
Wir von WB Production realisieren weltweit großartige Projekte rund um die Kunst des Bodypaintings. Ein großer Teil unserer Arbeit ist die Vertretung ausgewählter und herausragender Künstler in diesem Gebiet. Mit diesen Künstlern entwickeln wir Ideen und realisieren das endgültige Projekt für unsere Kunden, die aus ganz unterschiedlichen Richtungen kommen.
Wir freuen uns jetzt sehr, auch die berühmte Make-up und Bodypainting Illusionistin Mirjana KIKA Milosevic zu repräsentieren.

Die in Serbien lebende Künstlerin entwickelte bereits in früher Kindheit ihre zeichnerischen Fähigkeiten und später Make-up, Spezialeffekte und Bodypainting. Wir freuen uns sehr darauf in Zukunft viele gemeinsame interessante Projekte umzusetzten.

Bitte nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf und wir sprechen darüber, wie die Kunst von Mirjana KIKA Ihrer Marke, Ihrem Event oder Ihrer Kommunikation einen Mehrwert geben kann.

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YouTube: über 560.000 Abonnenten / über 80 Mio. Views
Facebook: über 310.000
Instagram: über 315.000

WB Production Artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic
WB Production Artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic
WB Production Artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic
WB Production Artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic
WB Production Artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic
WB Production Artist Mirjana Kika Milosevic
Illusion Best of

Über Mirjana:

(engl. version)

Mirjana Milosevic is a talented makeup artist from Serbia who creates amazing body paint illusions and is known by the nickname Kika.
Kika’s parents said that she learned to draw before she learned to walk. She was drawing every day and on any surface that was available. When Mirjana was 11, her sister’s friend asked her to draw a cartoon characters mural on his wall. The result was awesome, and she felt really happy doing it.
She grew up in a country that was struck by war and it was a really hard time, so her parents couldn’t arrange for her to go to an artistic school. Mirjana spent all of her free time after school on improving her skills. Three years after graduation from high school, Mirjana gave birth to her son, Danilo, and motherhood gave her the strength she needed to start doing what she’d always wanted to do.

Mirjana became the most popular kids’ muralist in her country, but because of an accident with her spine she took a break. Doctors told her this was essential if she wanted to have more children.
In 2012, Mirjana gave birth to her second child, Nikola. Nikola inspired her to start doing kids face-painting, and she was very successful in that as well.After that, she completed a basic makeup course and became interested in special effects makeup and body-painting. Now Kika is a fantastic body paint artist and creates amazing illusions.
